Monday, December 27, 2010


Christmas eve at Cornerstone UM Church is a full day of worship, with childrens services, live manger scenes, live animals, lots of singing and much praising of Gods gift to man (the baby Jesus). Here is a chance to worship along with all of us through photos of the day.Click here to join all of us.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

William Penn vs Newark

Larry Wilder invited me to the William Penn/Newark high school basketball game today. His daughter, the lovely young lady pictured here, is a William Penn cheerleader, but I guess his pride in her didn't have anything to do with the invite. Nooooo!!! Proud fathers would not do anything like that, would they. I know I would, seeing as how my daughter was a cheerleader too!!!!We had a good time pointing camera lenses in all directions, and the pizza wasn't bad either. Enjoy the night like I did